In your home garden, you will need to plan your watering the day before the hot weather strikes.
Deep watering is the key to train the root system to grow downwards into the soil, which is very important in the first year of growing a rose. When this is done properly, you rose will be happy for many years.
1) Water three times a week, making sure each rose plant receives at least 20L of water 2) Water in the morning, so the foliage can dry through the day (to avoid black spot) 3) A sprinkler allows the soil to accept a slow soak to reach the root system (30cm into the ground) 4) If you use drippers, make sure you have 2 - 3 lines (1 is not enough)
If you do not water correctly, the results can be seen in the picture below. This rose was pulled from Kelly's garden: as you can see, the root system is travelling horizontal instead of vertical. Kelly admits this rose didn't get the attention it needed and was watered by the pop-up grass sprinklers only. The root system was looking for water along the top of the soil instead of searching downwards to tap into the underground water system. A rose root system can grow 3 - 6 meters long (even longer for climbers).