We are proud of our Australian Roses' Collection and happy to introduce new varieties every year. 2022 has brought us these 3 beautiful roses.
Lady of Australia Lady of Australia is a unique floribunda rose with a classic-shape bright yellow fragrant flower, showing ruffled petals when fully opened, fading to lighter yellow/cream on the outer side and revealing beautiful yellow stamens. The plant is healthy and highly disease resistant, very free flowering with dark green foliage.
Height: 120cm - Width: 100cm
Bred by Bruce Brundrett, it's named ‘Lady of Australia’ to celebrate the wives of the Governors-General of Australia. Lady of Australia received many awards at the National Rose Trial Garden in 2018: Gold Medal Trophy for Best Rose of the Trial Best Floribunda Rose Most Pest and Disease Tolerant Rose of the Trial Australian Bred Rose of the Year
$2 from the sale of each rose will be donated to Australian War Widows Inc, providing support and advocacy for all war widows from all conflicts.
Singapore Far East Moon
The blooms of this new Australian variety bred by Richard Walsh are soft yellow with a hint of apricot. It was named in honour of the nurses killed following the fall of Singapore in 1942.
This rose is to commemorate the victims of the War in the Far East on the 80th anniversary - the servicemen and women, POW's and civilians.
Fragrance: Mild Height: 85cm
Deano is a classic Hybrid Tea rose, with large blooms in a very soft pink with darker, decorative centres. The blooms are borne mostly solitarily, but some small clusters also occur.
Suitable for garden display, cut flowers or exhibition, it's a healthy and vigorous bush. It was named in honour of Dean Stringer, a well-respected Australian rosarian.
Fragrance: Mild Height: 135cm x 65cm wide